Watermelophant Recipe

Watermelophant Recipe

  • 2 'personal size' watermelons
  • 2 stalks rhubarb
  • 1 stalk asparagus
  • 2 leaves from an artichoke
  1. Cut a half-moon shaped slice out of one end to create the Watermelophant's mouth. Remove two seeds from the slice for the eyes.
  2. Trim rhubarb to desired length. Insert two toothpicks above the mouth and secure the rhubarb stalk to the toothpicks to create the trunk.
  3. Carve two small circles about the trunk and insert seeds to create the eyes.
  4. Use toothpicks to secure one artichoke leaf on each side to create the ears.
  5. Use another toothpick to secure asparagus stalk to the “rear” of your watermelon to create the tail.
  6. Cut a thick slice from second watermelon. Cut four squares out. Place on platter for the legs.
  7. Carefully set Watermelophant body on top of the legs.