Upside-down cheesecake Recipe

Upside-down cheesecake Recipe

  • 5 tbsp double cream
  • 5 tbsp mascarpone
  • 55g/2oz white chocolate, melted and cooled
  • 1 tbsp icing sugar
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2 brioche rolls
  • 55g/2oz pecan nuts, plus extra to garnish
  • blueberries, to garnish
  1. Place a 7.5cm/3in metal ring on a dessert plate.
  2. Whisk the double cream until soft peaks form when the whisk is removed.
  3. Fold the whipped ceam into the mascarpone, along with the cooled, melted chocolate.
  4. Stir through the icing sugar and honey.
  5. Fill the metal ring with the cream mixture so that it is well packed.
  6. Place the brioche rolls and pecan nuts in a small food processor and pulse until they form crumbs.
  7. Top the cream with the brioche and nut crumbs.
  8. Arrange the extra pecan nuts and blueberries around the top of the dessert.
  9. Chill until required and remove the ring to serve.