- 10 ears fresh sweet corn
- 2 cups small, shelled fresh lima beans
- 2 cups fresh string beans, cut into 1 –inch pieces
- ¼ pound unsalted butter
- 1/3 pound salt pork, cut into ¼ –inch cubes
- 1 quart Court Bouillon
- 3 pounds (1 pound each) firm white fish fillets, such as scrod, halibut, bass, or weakfish
- 1 bunch small scallions, include some of the green, trimmed
- 2 to 3 tablespoons heavy cream
- Cut the kernels of corn from the cobs into a bowl.
- With a large spoon, scrape the milk from the cob into the bowl wit the corn. Reserve.
- Blanch the lima beans in boiling water until almost tender.
- Cool under cold water. Reserve.
- Blanch the string beans and reserve.
- In a large heavy saucepan, melt the butter and add the corn and its juices. Cook over moderate heat for 10 minutes, stirring from time to time.
- Meanwhile, in a skillet, render the salt pork until golden brown. Set aside on paper towels to drain.
- In a large makeshift steamer, bring the court bouillon to a simmer over moderate heat.
- Add the fish and steam for 10 minutes per inch of thickness. If necessary, cook thicker pieces such as cod first, and add thinner fillets such as bass or weakfish after a few minutes, so that all will be cooked at the same time.
- When all the fish is in the steamer, place the scallions over the fillets.
- While the fish is cooking, add the lima and string beans to the corn, stirring from time to time. Stir in the cream to loosen the mixture.
- Pour the succotash on a heated platter, then arrange the fish and rendered salt pork over the succotash.
- Set the scallions over the fish and serve.