Squid with wild leaves and a mushroom broth Recipe

Squid with wild leaves and a mushroom broth Recipe

  • 1 large squid, cleaned
  • selection of English wild leaves (such as wild cabbage, dock leaves, lady’s smack, wild harvest) or different varieties of cabbage
  • 1 tbsp rapeseed oil
  • 1kg/2lb 4oz shiitake mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 sheets kelp seaweed
  • 50g/1¾oz fresh root ginger, peeled and sliced
  • 300ml/10fl oz mirin
  • 300ml/10fl oz dark soy sauce
  • 300ml/10fl oz sake
  • rosman berries, to taste
  • sea rosemary, to taste
  • sea sorrel, to taste
  • stonecrop, to taste
  • birch sap syrup, to taste
  • ramen noodles, preferably lactose fermented ramen
  • meadowsweet vinegar, to taste
  1. For the broth, put all the ingredients in a large saucepan and add 2 litres/3½ pint water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 3 hours before straining through muslin cloth.
  2. Prepare the squid by scoring it four times on each side before cutting into long strips.
  3. Cut most of the wild leaves into small pieces but leave some of the larger ones whole.
  4. Mix the squid with the rapeseed oil.
  5. Put the squid into a serving bowl and lay some of the bigger leaves around the edge. Ladle over the warm broth and finish with the chopped leaves and the garnish ingredients.