Potato Galettes Recipe

Potato Galettes Recipe

  • 4 medium-size ripe tomatoes, sliced ¼ inch thick
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon combined finely chopped fresh savory, thyme, and parsley
  • 2 large Idaho potatoes, peeled
  • 6 to 8 teaspoons clarified butter
  • ½ log good-quality goat cheese (about 6 ounces), cut into ¼-inch rounds
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 4 cups mesclun leaves, or other greens
  • ½ cup Sherry Vinaigrette
  1. For the oven-dried tomatoes:
  2. Preheat the oven to 225°F. and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Arrange the tomato slices in a single layer on the paper, drizzle lightly with the olive oil, and sprinkle with the herbs. Roast 2 hours. They will shrink and darken slightly and be drier in appearance, but they will remain some what firm and moist.
  3. For the potato galettes:
  4. To slice potatoes easily, first cut an even lengthwise slice off the bottom, so the potato can stand firmly on a cutting board.
  5. Using a mandoline if possible, cut each potato into 1/8-inch slices; there should be about 32 in all. Brush a small nonstick skillet with about 1 teaspoon of clarified butter. Place over medium heat until hot, then arrange about 8 potato slices in the center, overlapping slightly to form a pancake. Cook until golden brown, 2 to 3 minutes on each side. Repeat with the remaining potato slices. Drain on paper towels. You may use a larger skillet and cook 2 or 3 galettes at a time.
  6. To serve:
  7. Preheat the oven to 200°F. Place the galettes on a baking sheet and top each with a slice of cheese and some dried tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Place in the oven until warmed through and the cheese has softened, 3 to 4 minutes.
  8. In a bowl, toss the mesclun with the sherry vinaigrette.
  9. Arrange each galette on an individual serving plate and top with the mesclun.
  10. To vary potato galettes:
  11. Sprinkle whole leaves of sage or tarragon between the layers
  12. Serve as a base for seared red snapper
  13. Try potato galettes topped with:
  14. Grilled vegetables (see Tuna with Grilled Vegetables and Provençal Vinaigrette)
  15. Confit Bayaldi
  16. Ratatouille
  17. Bits of goat cheese