Perfect French Fries Recipe

Perfect French Fries Recipe

  • 4 medium-to-large Idaho, Maine, or California potatoes
  • Peanut oil or rendered beef fat for deep-frying
  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into long strips from ¼ to ½ inch wide and thick. Have ready a baking sheet lined with paper towels.
  2. Heat the fat in deep fryer to 325° and, if you are using a basket, heat the basket in the fat.
  3. See that the potatoes are completely dry; lift out the basket; toss a handful of the potatoes into it and lower them slowly into the hot fat.
  4. Cook for 5 to 6 minutes, or until they get rather flabby-looking. They should not brown. During the cooking, lift the basket and shake the potatoes around once or twice to prevent them from sticking together.
  5. Remove the potatoes as they are cooked to a baking sheet lined with paper towels and leave at room temperature from 1 to 1½ hours, until you are ready to do your second frying.
  6. Then reheat the fat and basket to 375° or 380°; toss the prefried potatoes back into the hot fat, a handful at a time; and fry for 2 or minutes, or until they are as brown as you prefer.
  7. Be sure to bring the fat back to the correct temperature after each batch. Keep warm in a 250° oven, on lined baking sheets.
  8. Season your French fries with salt and freshly ground black pepper just before serving.