Meat Glaze Recipe

Meat Glaze Recipe

  • 4 quarts Fonds Brun Economique (Economical Brown Beef Stock)
  1. After removing all the fat from the surface of the stock, boil it uncovered over medium-high heat until only 3 cups remain, about 1½ hours. Skim the stock as it reduces to remove all foam and impurities.
  2. Strain the stock into a small heavy-bottomed sauce-pan and continue reducing over medium heat until the liquid thickens to coat a spoon, about 30 minutes. The liquid will at this point be dark and shiny and will bubble slowly.
  3. Pour the hot glaze into a heat proof custard cup or bowl and refrigerate. When cold it will be firm and can be easily unmolded. Invert the cup or bowl, and with your thumb, push or pull the glaze from the edge of the cup toward the center. This will loosen the glaze and allow it to fall into your hand.
  4. Wrap the glaze well in plastic wrap and refrigerate or freeze it. To use, simply cut off teaspoon-size chunks, and rewrap the unused portion. A glaze will keep this way for many months.
  5. Variations
  6. Glace de Volaille (Chicken Glaze): Make chicken stock and reduce to about 1½ cups of glaze.
  7. Glace de Poisson (Fish Glaze): Triple the recipe for fish stock and reduce to about ¾ cup.
  8. Glace de Gibier (Game Glaze): Make game stock and reduce to about 1½ cups.