- 3 lemons
- 100g/3½oz unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing
- 200g/6oz vanilla sugar or plain caster sugar
- 4 medium free-range eggs, separated
- 75g/3oz plain flour
- 500ml/17fl oz milk
- Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
- Butter a 2 litre/3½ pint shallow ovenproof dish.
- Grate the zest from two of the lemons, then squeeze the juice of all three.
- Cream the butter with the sugar and lemon zest. Beat in the egg yolks one by one. Do not panic if the mixture curdles.
- Next beat in the flour a spoonful at a time, alternating with slurps of milk and lemon juice.
- Once that is all in, whisk the egg whites until they form stiff peaks, and fold lightly into the lemon batter.
- Pour the mixture into the baking dish, then stand the dish in a roasting tin.
- Pour enough boiling water around the dish to come about halfway up the sides.
- Bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes until the pudding is golden brown.
- Serve hot or warm, with or without cream.