Easy Mojitos for a Crowd Recipe

Easy Mojitos for a Crowd Recipe

  • 2 cups fresh mint leaves, rinsed
  • 2 (12 fluid ounce) cans frozen limeade
  • 3 quarts water
  • 2 cups lemon flavored rum
  • 4 quarts ice
  • 16 lime wedges, for garnish
  1. Place the mint leaves, limeade, and 2 cups of water into a blender. Pulse-blend the mixture until the mint leaves are in small pieces, but not completely pulverized. Strain the mixture into a 1 gallon container. Stir in the rum and remaining 2 1/2 quarts of water.
  2. To serve, fill tall glasses with ice cubes, pour in the limeade mixture, and garnish each glass with a lime wedge.