Coffee parfait Recipe
- 8 free-range egg yolks
- 100g/3½oz caster sugar
- 250ml/9fl oz sweet, fruity dessert wine, such as Monbazillac or Beaume de Venice
- small pinch cayenne pepper
- 1-2 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 200ml/7fl oz whipping cream, whisked until soft peaks form when the whisk is removed
- 50ml/2fl oz coffee essence or cooled strong coffee
- caramel sauce (optional)
- vanilla cream (optional)
- chopped roasted nuts
- cocoa powder, for dusting
- Whisk the egg yolks, sugar and dessert wine together in a large heatproof bowl until pale and fluffy.
- Set the bowl over a pan of barely simmering water and continue to whisk for 3-4 minutes, or until the mixture is pale and has thickened (the temperature of the mixture should reach about 78-80C/175F).
- Remove from the heat, set the bowl in a larger bowl of iced water and whisk again until cool.
- Whisk in the cayenne pepper and lemon juice. Set aside until completely cold.
- Whisk one-third of the whipped cream into the cooled sabayon mixture, then carefully fold in the remaining cream until just combined.
- Fold the coffee essence carefully into the sabayon until combined.
- Spoon the mixture into a 1.2kg/2lb 10¼oz loaf tin, levelling the top with a palette knife. Chill in the freezer for at least 12 hours, or until solid.
- When ready to serve, remove the coffee parfait from the freezer and dip the loaf tin into hot water to loosen the parfait from the tin. Run a blunt knife around the parfait, then turn it out onto a long rectangular plate.
- To serve, slice the coffee parfait and serve with caramel sauce or vanilla cream, if using. Sprinkle with chopped roasted nuts and dust with cocoa powder.