Cheryls Broiled Turkey Recipe

Cheryls Broiled Turkey Recipe

  • a good-sized turkey broiler (split)
  • 1 pound of sliced bacon
  • salt, pepper, paprika
  1. Cook bacon until it is crisp. Add salt, pepper and paprika to the bacon fat and keep it warm. Spread the bone side of the turkey halves with some of the bacon fat mixture and grill according to instructions for Epicurean Broiled Turkey . Brush the skin side with bacon fat before turning. Brush the turkey twice more with bacon fat during the cooking process.
  2. Serve the broiled turkey garnished with the bacon, tiny green peas cooked with onions and dressed with plenty of butter and potatoes boiled in their jackets. Follow this with cole slaw as a separate course. Dress the cabbage with a sauce of sour cream and fresh horseradish. Fresh fruit and cheese round out this homely dinner.
  3. Prepare broiled chicken in same manner.