Caribbean toastie cups with avocado, mango and mint Recipe

Caribbean toastie cups with avocado, mango and mint Recipe

  • spray oil
  • 6 white, whole-meal or seeded soft flour tortillas (19cm/7½in diameter)
  • 1 red pepper, seeds removed, cut into 1cm/½in dice
  • 1 ripe but firm avocado, peeled, stoned and cut into 1cm/½in dice
  • 1 small ripe mango, peeled, stone removed, cut into 1cm/½in dice or 125g/4½oz ready-prepared mango pieces, cut into 1cm/½in dice
  • 200g/7oz canned red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
  • 2 spring onions, trimmed and finely sliced
  • 1 red chilli, seeds removed (if preferred), finely chopped
  • 1 lime, juice only
  • ½ bunch fresh mint, leaves only, finely chopped (to give about 2 tbsp)
  • flaked sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (optional)
  1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6 (fan 180C). Spray two 12-hole shallow cupcake trays with oil and set aside. You can work in two separate batches if you only have one tray.
  2. Put the tortillas in a stack on top of one another on a chopping board and cut them into quarters to give 24 pieces. Push one quarter into each hole of the cupcake trays, pressing it in to fit. Really press it down to form a sturdy bottom and the tops should splay out at the top creating a ‘cup’. Cook in the oven for about five minutes, or until the cups are crisp and brown – keep an eye on them as they can burn really quickly.
  3. For the filling, mix the red pepper, avocado, mango, kidney beans, spring onions, chilli, lime juice and mint together in a large bowl and season to taste with salt and pepper. Add a little oil if you like.
  4. Once the tortilla cups are crisp and golden-brown, remove them from the oven and onto a serving plate. Divide the filling mixture evenly between the cups and serve.