Burrata with Trout Caviar, Passion Fruit, Vanilla, and Dates Recipe

Burrata with Trout Caviar, Passion Fruit, Vanilla, and Dates Recipe

  • Small microwave-safe bowl
  • 1?4 vanilla bean
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Nonstick cooking spray
  • 8 pitted dates
  • 1 passion fruit
  • One 8-ounce ball burrata
  • 1 3?4 ounces salmon roe
  1. Scrape the seeds out of the piece of vanilla bean, and discard the pod. Combine the seeds with the oil in small microwave-safe bowl. Microwave for 30 seconds. Lightly spray a knife with nonstick cooking spray, then use it to dice the dates into small cubes. Cut the passion fruit in half and scrape out the seeds; discard the skin. Set the seeds aside.
  2. HOLD IT? The dates and oil can be left at room temperature, covered, for up to a day. The passion fruit seeds can be held in the fridge, covered, for up to 2 hours.
  3. PLATE IT! This can be such a pretty dish, I try to have each serving look identical. Line up four plates. Quarter the burrata, being careful not to lose the creamy interior. Cut each of the quarters of burrata into 2 or 3 pieces. Place the burrata sections on the plates. Next, divide the passion fruit among the four plates, placing it on top of some of the burrata and away from other pieces.
  4. Next, add the dates to the plate, in little piles, here and there. Add the roe in clumps, adjacent to or on top of the burrata. Finally, drizzle on the oil in a circular motion, like playing connect the dots.
  5. BREAK IT: Adding more components to this dish will only make it more over the top. Use some cracked coffee beans for a bitter, toasty component, and cook some thyme with the vanilla bean to give it an herbal oomph.