Basil Oil Recipe

Basil Oil Recipe

  • 2 tablespoons kosher salt
  • 1½ cups cleaned fresh basil leaves, off the stems
  • 1 cup virgin or extra virgin olive oil
  • Any seared and roasted or pan-roasted fish, poultry, or meat
  • Roasted Cod with Confit Bayaldi
  • Cod and Potato Cakes Provençal with Ratatouille
  • Saddle of Lamb with Ratatouille
  1. Combine 2 quarts water and the salt in a large pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Add the basil and blanch 15 seconds, or until it is bright green and wilted; immediately plunge it into a bowl of ice water. Drain the basil, wrap it in a kitchen towel, and gently squeeze out as much water as possible. In a blender, combine the basil with the oil and blend until smooth. Strain through a cheesecloth-lined sieve, without pressing down on the solids.