- 2 cups brandy or bourbon
- 4 medium apples
- 1 cup Simple Syrup (spiced, if desired)
- Put the brandy into a large Wide-mouth, sterilized jar. (You don’t have to cut the apples in round sections. but it sure does look ten times cooler.)
- Slice the apples into approximately ¼-inch slices, reserving the cores. Fit as many slices as you can submerge into the brandy and secure with a small plate or nonporous object to keep the slices submerged.
- Heat the simple syrup, adding the leftover cores and apple bits. Let the mixture simmer on low for up to 1 hour, turn off the hear, and add the mixture to the brandy and apples.
- Let sit for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place, gently shaking daily, then double strain (preferably with a coffee filter) and transfer to a large, sterilized, airtight jar or wine bottle.